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Amiga StyleBerichteComputer StuffDemo SceneFernsehFotosInformatikKomische BildersTeletextWebsite StuffDEReset
- To you, from a secret admirer
- Teletext Mirror
- All teasers
- Sitemap
- Geschenkalarm
- new art
- hrrngh!
- Knob-Out
- B.S.I. – Byte Scene Investigation
- Coppenheimer
- Hold mode minutiae
- Shall we play a game?
- Worms VBI
- strss
- Modding the Amiga boot hand
- rotz
- Familiar Feces
- Amiga BBS ANSI animations
- wchrmas pattern
- Super Santa Brothers
- Bitte hier das mit den…
- Teletext on Amiga – the real world’s first!
- Halle-MOO-jah
- sinéad
- Back to the Future!
- Brutalist Love
- Bitte hier das mit dem wo man mal…
- hypotrain
- Kiss me, Amiga!
- The Wonders of Virtual Reality
- Tamagotchi
- Conspiracy’s Weird Disk
- Quine Scarf
- Website rewrite
- Teletext on Amiga
- Prekalk-Verbot
- heckmeck! in 1999
- ARD Summer of Teletext
- Blood Sugar Rises
- Impressum
- Malle 2023
- Arrr512
- 420 Years of Teletext
- Rage OS
- fam
- popolek
- spoke
- platte
- 512 Byte Brigade
- invertebrates
- hypnoboot
- plnx
- construction cycle
- karl
- Pickup, erm, try-catch Lines
- zerosphere
- serotonin
- mopsalarm
- 1k is no limit
- The Life and Times of Eimi
- eierschaukel
- ministorm
- Lütt un’ Lütt
- doppelhirn
- The A-Word
- Warum PHP Scheiße ist
- Proper PNG support even with MSIE
- Tiny Speech Synth in JavaScript
- „Anführungszeichen“
- WhatTheHack 2005
- Bilder von Hunden
- Life is rough
- Handgemachte Filmchen
- IE crash in 11 bytes
- C64 Fast Intro
- Hypnotoad
- Werbepausen und der blanke Hass
- Abschied von MySQL
- Lineare Abhängigkeit
- 20. Chaos Communication Congress
- Linux console font editor
- The Why of Fry
- Systemtheorie-Tools
- Fusion 2003
- Hurricane 2003
- IE crash in 12 bytes
- Organigramm vom Atomkraftwerk
- Bilder von unten
- Bilder von der Katze
- Schematischer Ablauf des Grundstudiums
- Kickstart Shirt
- Tiere und mehr
- Truth
- Mauszeiger im WB 1.x-Stil
- Gammelreport
- Vorschlag zur Gliederung von Referaten
- Ungern Ungarn
- Topaz New für Linux and Windows
- Expo 2000
- Die Rache der Pansen
- Bekloppt
- Crash-Cow
- Mäusejagd
- Sofi 1999
- Dank Akustikklopfer zum Handy
- Hacker Artwork
- Malle 1998
Blog posts
- Low-hanging fruit (in the JTree)
- Checkbox alert!
- Ecce puntatore
- Prototyping with native 68k code
- Double, nay, triple your productivity!
- What’s Cool?
- Lovebyte 2025 wrap-up
- printf-style debugging in WinUAE
- Virus warming
- Hello again, iPhone SE
- PDFs with JavaScript
- One year of blogging
- January typo bits
- Topaz Unicode now sharper!
- Green is not a creative color
- VC³ results are in!
- A capital sharp S for Topaz
- Synthwave Xmas
- Keming war gestern
- Worms DeCoded
- VC³ 2024, an early present
- Fun with Worms DC custom levels
- Modding the Windows boot hand
- Unit Arrr
- I just favican’t
- I consider myself more of a Renaissance man
- Zerosphere on Analogue Pocket
- Amiga Topaz 1.4, part 2
- Masto-DDoS
- Elementary, dear Teletext
- Amiga Topaz 1.4
- “UI” as in “utterly idiotic”
- new art: final and write-up
- Crashing with style
- Teletext50 on Yle, new art on Amiga
- 50 years of Teletext… and Golf
- Das habe ich verpassed!
- Decrypting the Revision logo
- Pixel Addict Teletext feature
- LanguageTool, huh?
- Grace Hopper lectures, a must-see
- Musique non stop
- Missing Evoke
- It’s all Greek to me
- Lotus holidays
- The tab is HOW much???f€??€
- Frankfurt Messe pixels
- ANSI colorizer from 1996
- All those p11n issues
- What a hackaday!
- Volume control from hell
- Nordlicht Game Boy trophy: What a prize!
- Church of Amigology
- Buttons, then and… Now!
- Coppenheimer session with h0ffman
- Thou shalt not tab
- German Teletext station logos
- Sixels, you say?
- Programming language idea: paste mode
- You’re breaking my balls!
- Introducing: Coppenheimer
- Thunderstorm ahead, check your Teletext!
- Emulator hacking in the browser
- What a pi-hole!
- Teletext: Hold my… Weather News!
- DPaint JS
- Video Podcast: Zu Gast bei Loco’s Welt Gaming
- Skew this!
- Huff in an Elevator
- I’m planning a room, what does it look like?
- Sunday reading: web design tech lore
- Retro-Fonts auf TikTok
- WarGames, the JIF
- Stupid nuclear silos, you can’t do anything
- Coden auf Exoten
- Die, baby!
- Sherlock Horse
- E-scooters can do WHAT now?!
- mlem
- The joy of feeling stupid
- Worms VBI Meteoriks nomination!
- 2nd place for strss at Lovebyte
- Navigation overhaul
- Oldschool Topaz… with Unicode glyphs!
- Let’s build a custom Kickstart ROM!
- Amiga childhood: obsessive customization disorder
- Praxis Dr. Jaeger
- Bahnstationen in 3D
- Do-not-disturb indicator
- Dug up some old Amiga BBS animations
- When normies pixel
- Jungendsprache ruinieren
- Bringdienst für Altphilologen
- Finally, a blog!
- Ja zum Glitch
- Sizecoding never stops
- A fun journey of sizecoding
- Ein ganzer Kerl dank Auto-Translate
- Ye olde Photoshop trick
- Super Santa Brothers
- Bitte hier das mit den… in Teletext
- This just in: Amiga + Teletext in 1992!
- Teletext chip reverse engineering
- Cowee says: Halle-MOO-jah!
- 1st place for sinéad at Flash Party!
- Schraubnapf
- Teletext advent calendar throw-ho-ho-back
- Back to the (Teletext) future!
- Amiga executable graphics in 4K: Brutalist Love
- Bitte hier das mit den…
- Dreaming about ANSI escapes
- Hypotrain updates
- Amiga 512 byte intro: hypotrain
- Amtssprache ist deutsch!
- Pixels on a Bahn
- Fashion throwback: Quine scarf
- Some updates on Worms VBI
- Peinlo-Shirts mit meinem falschen Amiga-Mauszeiger
- Website rewrite
- Technical writeup updates
- More demoscene writeups
- ARD summer of Teletext feat. me
- 1st place for Worms VBI at Evoke 2023
- Website rewrite