What a show! Watch all the entries in the results presentation on YouTube. In time, the entries ought to show up on the competition website as well. Thanks and mad respect to Logiker for this Christmas miracle of an event and plowing through hundreds of entries from all around the world!
At 64 bytes, my Amiga entry ended up in the 33rd place of the assembly category, if I counted correctly. w00t! The shortest entries came in at 41 bytes on the C128 and Amstrad CPC, respectively.
Edit: 38th place! Still w00t! :)
Also, the overall shortest entry came from Logiker himself with this pretty APL contraption in 34 characters:
⌽11↑'/o\'⋄' -|+'[1+T∘.+2×T←19⍴9↑1]
Anyway, special thanks to Logiker for including a blinking screenshot in the results video. :)
Yes, I’ve used Amiga’s alert function for this entry! :) Here’s a little write-up:
- Geschenkalarm
A thrilling (?) byte shaving journey from 88 to 64 bytes
It was especially nice to see two other Amiga entries in the competition, by Crumb (90 bytes) and Saturnus the Invincible/SCA (80 bytes). The latter is using some clever BCPL shortcuts and stack arranging magic that I’m eager to study. I must refrain myself from typing out the source code in the barely readable 720p video capture, actually. :)