Pixels at the Frankfurt fair – again, but this time they’re neat, not wonky! :)

The intricate little logo next to the text caught my attention. Compare it to the “full-size” logo at the fair’s website:

I love how they put in the effort to include it in the digital sign while boldly adapting it to only 9×11 pixels:

Found some UI mockups for a little utility project from 1996. In the spirit of my juvenile obsession with UI fiddling, I suspect I must have spent a lot of time designing and re-designing stuff and less time actually programming something useful.
Apparently this was supposed to be a tool to colorize ASCII logos to produce ANSI logos for BBSes and text-based title screens to be displayed in the console. Hence the name “ACE”, as in “Ansi Colorizer and Editor”.
But, much to my surprise, I did implement something useful, and I also found the source code of the project, about 1,700 lines of Blitz BASIC 2 code.

After some setup in the shell…

…I was able to compile and run the program. It’s not very polished, and some functions are missing, but it does the (simple) job:
Thinking up different UI designs probably still took of most of my time, as documented by earlier prototypes and an updated version – all of which look completely different, of course. The code wasn’t redesigned half as much. :)
Strange how such a mundane topic as correct pronunciation can get people’s tempers running high. You know what I’m talking about: Arguments about image formats and technologies can get heated really quickly once you’re talking about pronoun-, ugh, pronunc-, erm, p11n! :)
To add fuel to the fire, here’s a video from 1991 with Steve Jobs talking about S-Q-L databases – not “sequel” databases! At least for die-hard NeXT and Apple fans, that p11n issue should be sorted…

If you agree with Steve, you could add subtitles and share that clip on social media as an animated JIF! With a PING fallback if you want to post it on Bluesky. Then again, the audio is the important part here, so maybe just export it to a woff file*…
*) “woff”? Yes, woff! Or how else would you pronounce “.wav”?!
How cool: My latest web shenanigans were featured at hackaday!
This was the first time this blog has gotten some exposure from a high-profile site. Access numbers exploded, and I was cautiously monitoring the server logs if all the attention would bring the site to its knees.

Luckily, I didn’t experience or observe any slowdowns – static files for the win! (Well, quasi-static, I do use some PHP glue, but no database.)
So, a warm welcome to my new readers! Feel free to check back from time to time, explore the old stuff, or play the content lottery: Random :)
May I present to you: The worst possible way to react on volume changes in a media player. I don’t know if any other video streaming platforms do this, but here’s ARD Mediathek from Germany’s public broadcasting station ARD:
It might be a little hard to make out, but in the video you see:
- The Windows slider for the system-wide volume control on the left,
- the video player with its own volume control, and
- my hand fiddling around with my USB volume control thingie.
If you look closely, you will notice that the volume control knob – one of these handy gadgets:

– is controlling both the system-wide (global) volume and the media player’s own playback volume. You may also see why this is confusing:
- It is hard to adjust the media player’s volume in small steps, as it gets adjusted in two places at once, doubling the effect.
- The media player’s volume control might “hit a wall” while the global volume still has room for adjustment, or vice versa. This way, the perceived playback volume isn’t related to the angle of the volume knob anymore: The global volume setting and playback volume setting can and will differ in surprising ways, depending on when and how much you turned the knob.
- For example: If I want to turn down the volume real quick, the media player’s playback might be muted way before the global volume is muted. So, while I might think I’ve muted everything and can make a telephone call without interruptions, the overall system isn’t really muted, and a messenger notification or some other system sound might pop in very loudly.
If you add the mute function to the mix – the USB knob mutes everything when you press it – you can maneuver yourself into a situation where the global system volume and the media player disagree on whether everything is muted or not. You will not be able to unmute the stream unless you use your mouse to explicitly unmute the media player only.
What’s going on?
Apparently, the browser receivces “global volume adjustment” events, or at least the input events causing the change in system-wide volume.
I have mixed feelings about this – a mix of anger and disgust.
Peeking into the player’s source code, it appears that, yes, there are indeed volume control key events, and that some programmer tried to be clever and handle them in the player:
... case "audiovolumeup": s.stopImmediatePropagation(), s.preventDefault(), this.handleVolume(10); break; case "audiovolumedown": s.stopImmediatePropagation(), s.preventDefault(), this.handleVolume(-10); break;
This is madness! Why would you ever want to react on a global volume change request in the browser? Why does the browser even see those events? (All this is also applicable to your keyboard’s volume control keys, by the way, if you happen to have one of them fancy “multimedia keyboards”…)
It’s stupid – let’s use it!
Instead of just ranting about this, I decided to make use of this stupid feature. Plug in your USB volume control and play a nice round of Knob-Out – a breakout clone where you control the paddle on the bottom of the screen with your volume control knob!
For obvious reasons, the volume will change between loud and quiet while playing. :)
My latest Amiga 512 byte intro won a prize at this year’s Nordlicht party, and it’s a custom Game Boy cartridge!

Here it is in action. Please excuse those display scratches…
A really neat idea, nicely executed! Also, check out the little write-up of B.S.I. – Byte Scene Investigation while you’re at it. :)