There’s a thread on the English Amiga Board about Amiga confessions, and a recurring theme is spending more time on configuring colors, fonts and icons than anything. “Let’s try a gray-ish color scheme with a blue tint! Wait, what about… a ring with a crosshair as the mouse pointer? Better hand-pixel my own Sci-Fi font!” As others have noted in the thread: Glad I’m not alone with this! :)
Last year I was searching for childhood photos for a presentation, and this is the first one of me using a computer I could find. Of course I’m redesigning the mouse pointer!

But boy, was it fun! It’s no wonder that since the early Internet days, Aminet (the Amiga hub for public domain software and shareware) has had a dedicated category for people showing off their Workbench screens: pix/wb
Aminet sources: DeepWB, XanaWB, thecure, Overlordwb, Nudel-Pix, IloveMUI2, Amiga 600 Workbench in 2023