

Nerd content and
cringe since 1999
Alexander Grupe

October 2024



On Hoffman’s recent hacking stream he was running Rink a dink REDUX and it ran into a crash, presumably because of a bad disk. Curious, I’ve triggered a crash myself by disabling fast-ram halfway through the demo:

I really dig the level of detail that went into this. Even the dead-end crash screen that nobody would ever see under normal conditions has a stylish design! There are nice background colors for different error conditions, the sound is properly muted and all sprites are reset:

; Disassembled from $c00ca4

; Color 0 move in crash copperlist:
; 000033f8: 0180 0xxx
CRASH_COLOR0    = $33fa

        move.w  #$0804,CRASH_COLOR0
        bra.b   deadend_screen

        move.w  #$0084,CRASH_COLOR0
        bra.b   deadend_screen

        move.w  #$0048,CRASH_COLOR0
        move.w  override_color(pc),d0
        beq.b   deadend_screen
        move.w  d0,CRASH_COLOR0

        moveq   #0,d0
        move.w  #$7fff,d1
        lea     $dff000,a6
        move.w  d1,dmacon(a6)
        move.w  d1,intena(a6)
        move.w  d1,intreq(a6)
        move.w  d1,adkcon(a6)

        moveq   #4-1,d2
        lea     aud0vol(a6),a0
.mute   move.w  d0,(a0)
        lea     $10(a0),a0
        dbf     d2,.mute

        moveq   #8-1,d2
        lea     spr0data(a6),a0
.sprdat move.l  d0,(a0)
        addq    #8,a0
        dbf     d2,.sprdat

        move.l  #deadend_copper,cop1lc(a6)
        move.w  d0,copjmp1(a6)
        move.w  #$83c0,dmacon(a6)

.loop   bra.b   .loop

        dc.w    0

Of course this attitude extends to the whole production, the details, the style, the pixel-perfect transitions… I extend a very belated hats-off to Paradroid! :)

PS: “But the colors are just red, green and blue?” No! Other coders would have used, well, coder colors, but these have style! Compare: RGB vs the colors used here: RGB

Finnish TV station Yle shows a Teletext exhibition celebrating the 50th Teletext anniversary. Check it out on your TV (if in Finland) or on their Teksi-TV website starting at page 840. It’s a vast showcase of amazing, clever, glitchy, cute and experimental Teletext art, so take your time to explore it all!

Teletext50 Exhibition on Yle

I’m very glad I could take part in this exhibition with my Golf and Musique Non Stop pieces! (Page 846)

In other news, I’m also extremely glad I’ve won the 3D competition at the Deadline demoparty last weekend. I’m still busy with preparing a little write-up, but in the mean time you may check out the live recording on YouTube.

Or, even better, check out AmigaBill checking out our demo, and see the magic of angaglyph 3D in action! :)

So much praise :)
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