Strange how such a mundane topic as correct pronunciation can get people’s tempers running high. You know what I’m talking about: Arguments about image formats and technologies can get heated really quickly once you’re talking about pronoun-, ugh, pronunc-, erm, p11n! :)
To add fuel to the fire, here’s a video from 1991 with Steve Jobs talking about S-Q-L databases – not “sequel” databases! At least for die-hard NeXT and Apple fans, that p11n issue should be sorted…

If you agree with Steve, you could add subtitles and share that clip on social media as an animated JIF! With a PING fallback if you want to post it on Bluesky. Then again, the audio is the important part here, so maybe just export it to a woff file*…
*) “woff”? Yes, woff! Or how else would you pronounce “.wav”?!