

Nerd content and
cringe since 1999
Alexander Grupe

On Hoffman’s recent hacking stream he was running Rink a dink REDUX and it ran into a crash, presumably because of a bad disk. Curious, I’ve triggered a crash myself by disabling fast-ram halfway through the demo:

I really dig the level of detail that went into this. Even the dead-end crash screen that nobody would ever see under normal conditions has a stylish design! There are nice background colors for different error conditions, the sound is properly muted and all sprites are reset:

; Disassembled from $c00ca4

; Color 0 move in crash copperlist:
; 000033f8: 0180 0xxx
CRASH_COLOR0    = $33fa

        move.w  #$0804,CRASH_COLOR0
        bra.b   deadend_screen

        move.w  #$0084,CRASH_COLOR0
        bra.b   deadend_screen

        move.w  #$0048,CRASH_COLOR0
        move.w  override_color(pc),d0
        beq.b   deadend_screen
        move.w  d0,CRASH_COLOR0

        moveq   #0,d0
        move.w  #$7fff,d1
        lea     $dff000,a6
        move.w  d1,dmacon(a6)
        move.w  d1,intena(a6)
        move.w  d1,intreq(a6)
        move.w  d1,adkcon(a6)

        moveq   #4-1,d2
        lea     aud0vol(a6),a0
.mute   move.w  d0,(a0)
        lea     $10(a0),a0
        dbf     d2,.mute

        moveq   #8-1,d2
        lea     spr0data(a6),a0
.sprdat move.l  d0,(a0)
        addq    #8,a0
        dbf     d2,.sprdat

        move.l  #deadend_copper,cop1lc(a6)
        move.w  d0,copjmp1(a6)
        move.w  #$83c0,dmacon(a6)

.loop   bra.b   .loop

        dc.w    0

Of course this attitude extends to the whole production, the details, the style, the pixel-perfect transitions… I extend a very belated hats-off to Paradroid! :)

PS: “But the colors are just red, green and blue?” No! Other coders would have used, well, coder colors, but these have style! Compare: RGB vs the colors used here: RGB

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