
Nerd content and
cringe since 1999

Alexander Grupe

In terms of debugging, I’m a printer, not a stepper. Yes, single-stepping and breakpoints are nice, but I like this:

        PUTMSG  10,<"searching for ""%s""">,a0
        move.l  next_part(a6),a0
        PUTMSG  10,<"will jsr to %p">,a0
        jsr     (a0)
        PUTMSG  10,<"returned with $%lx = %ld">,d0,d0

The inner debugging monologue becomes so much more relaxing and constructive when strategic log statements are providing the answers.

WTF, where does this pointer come from?
Well, you overwrote the lower word, apparently.
How in hell are those sine values all off?!
I’d say $0000 looks like a weird amplitude.
I swear to god, my memory allocator cannot possibly fail here!
It can and it does, especially when you try to reserve a negative value.

You get the idea. :) The following trick is old news, by the way, but not exactly well-documented, either.

The hard way

In the past, I’ve been using a logging setup like this:

  • Configure WinUAE to expose the serial port via TCP on port 1234
  • Do the log message formatting in assembly, with the help of exec.library’s RawDoFmt (which still works when you’ve taken over the system)
  • Send out the formatted log output through the serial port, manually banging SERDAT and SERPER
  • Display the live log with netcat or a custom tool that connects to WinUAE’s serial TCP port

A rather convoluted process – but there’s an easier way!

(It does have the advantage that you could also debug on real hardware this way – just connect the Amiga’s serial port to a terminal! I have used that exactly once and it was cool and all, but also cumbersome.)

Easy and light-weight with WinUAE

Ever since release 4.4.0, WinUAE has included a more elegant “API” to do printf calls from your Amiga code. (I’ve learned about this when I started using the PLatOS demo framework for new art – it comes with a million amenities and also has a logging macro built in.)

  • Start WinUAE with -log -s debug_mem=true
  • Write your printf arguments to $bfff00 one after another
  • Put a pointer to your format string into $bfff04
  • Done! WinUAE will do the formatting for you and display your message in its console/debug window

Neat, huh? Here’s a self-contained snippet for a “PUTMSG” macro, modelled after its PLatOS counterpart (but only supporting seven arguments for compatibility):

  • debug-putmsg.i
    Self-contained PUTMSG macro for formatted log messages in WinUAE

In your code, do this:

DEBUG_DETAIL = 10 ; 0 disables logging

        include debug-putmsg.i

        PUTMSG 10,<"Stack at %p, d0.w is %x">,a7,d0
        PUTMSG 8,<"Low-level message"> ; not printed: 8 < 10
%dDecimal word
%ldDecimal longword
%xHex word
%lxHex longword
%cByte as char
%sString (null-terminated, passed as pointer)
%pZero-padded hex longword, 8 hex digits with $ prefix
%08lxZero-padded hex longword, 8 hex digits

The macro passes all arguments as longwords. If you pass a word from a memory address, you need to subtract 2:

        PUTMSG  10,<"ticks = %d">,ticks-2(a6)
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