heckmeck! in 1999
Aaah, web design in the late 1990s! Home pages were all the rage, weblogs (or “blogs” for you youngsters) were not really a thing yet, and I was proud to even have my own domain to point to to my own home page!
Here is a screenshot of heckmeck! back then – some of the referenced content is still online!
Javascript was used to display a humorous subtitle, and the code still works. Try it out (German only):
Bonus content: Managed to get the referenced “Psychotest” to work (German only): Psychotest starten
From a web developer perspective, the HTML markup is a treat as well:
Table-based layouts (what else?), <font>
tags everywhere
and each non-ASCII characters encoded as HTML entity, and transparent pixels
for spacing. State of the art for 1999, I guess.
<title>Heckmeck! Lossos Mist-Homepage</title> [...] <meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="Wohin verschwinden immer die Socken in der Waschmaschine? Ist das Internet wirklich eine Scheibe? Ist Gott ein 20jähriger Informatikstudent? Hier lauern die Antworten!"> [...] <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="160"> <tr><td bgcolor="#edbe1a" align="center"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="1" color="#000000"><b>S E R V I C E</b></font></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top" bgcolor="#775fa0"><table><tr><td> <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="1"> Tatataaa: Es gibt endlich wieder einen <a href="javascript:popwin('psycho.html',420,440)">neuen Psycho-Test</a>: "Bist du ein Tierfreund?" Gleich abchecken! </font></td></tr> </table>
It even used CSS! Only to disable underlined links, though:
<style type="text/css"> <!-- A:LINK {font-family : Verdana, Helvetica, Arial; font-weight : bold; text-decoration : none; color : #ffff80;} A:VISITED {font-family : Verdana, Helvetica, Arial; font-weight : bold; text-decoration : none; color : #ffff80;} --> </style>
As of today (08-Aug-2023), the referenced website about Bierology, the beer religion, is still online, too.